2018 has been a busy year for Pipe Band Association Singapore and members and advisors to the Music Board. The Music Board comprises Nat Russell, Bill Russell and Alan Wallace, with advisors Ian Lyons, Andrew Womersley, James Laughlin and Scott Nicholson.

At our championships in June, we were pleased to have the President of Pipe Bands Australia, Chris Earl, attending. His presence was in continuance of our on-going discussions in bringing the aims and objectives of the two bodies closer together and his observations and advice, along with that of the committee, has been well received. In Singapore, our definitive objective, should be, to create an atmosphere of music and protocol that is aligned with the other major associations of the world and to that end the following recommendations will be implemented for 2019.

Uniform and Protocol

It is noted, that all bands participating in our championships have behaved impeccably and have observed the true spirit of contest rivalry. While we understand that many bands do not possess highland outfits, we ask that all normal protocol, such as head dress, footwear etc be observed. For those bands without highland attire, the protocol of the body itself should be observed. For instance, the Boys Brigade attire should be worn as directed by the BB. (It is worth noting that this has been the case at all contests so far and congratulations to the BB units for this). If Highland attire is worn, the players should conform with           protocol – this applies to band, solo and massed band events.

Band Grading

The committee is content with the status quo in grading of bands at this time.

Solo Grading

There is a distinct anomaly in our piping grades, in that, most are inconsistent with the quality of those in other associations. We have used Victoria as a yard stick for comparison and to this end, we will implement an extra grade for solos (being Novice A) whence a player entering for the first time, can enter Novice, but only for one year. In the second year, the player must move to Novice A, but can remain in that grade until he/she is worthy of moving to Grade D.

It is noted that there were no recommendations for promotion this year and in fact, it was clear that Piping A, B and D were consistently below average and should be re assessed. The resolution is as follows:                                                                                                                              This year’s entrants in A and B will be asked to step back one grade in 2019; entrants in C and D will remain as they were in 2018 and Novice 2018 will move to Novice A.

Drumming grades were found to need no alteration, other than Novice moving to Novice A in 2019.

Digital Solo Contest

It is expensive for our Association to provide adjudicators for smaller contests, however there is a distinct need for “more” events. Following suggestions from Nat Russell, we are pursuing the idea of a Digital Solo Contest, prior to June. Further information will be available when the many contingencies have been resolved.


It is our duty, both to our own bands and to those from other associations that the playing field is even. With such ease of travel as we now enjoy, many players are sought after to “guest” with bands other than their own and we must ensure that we do not cause argument through transfers not being correctly applied. Our Registrar, Martin Lee, will this year ask for the names of players within each band to start forming a register. Guests with your bands will require approved transfer, from other bands, if they are to compete in 2019.

Contest Rules

Pipe Bands Australia has, generously, allowed us to use their, extensive, contest rules for our events in Singapore. Generally, these rules will apply, other than, for regional reasons some may be altered or relaxed (eg dress codes etc).

Alan Wallace (on behalf of the Music Board and Advisors)